Get Your Sex Life Back on Track


Get Your Sex Live Back on Track

Your sex life doesn’t sit in a vacuum.  In a long-term relationship, good sex is dependent on many things.  If there is any part of you that thinks sex should “just happen” – organically, naturally, fluidly, spontaneously, at will – well, you will be sadly disappointed.

I wish it was that simple.  Can sex happen that way? Absolutely… sometimes.  Which means that at other times, it takes conscious work.  My question for you is – Are you willing to do the work?

Life Obstacles

When you create a life together, you grow beyond the role of lovers.  You become life partners. You might be business partners. You may even opt to become parents.  And, you wear many hats in between. But somewhere in your journey, you begin to separate your sexuality.  It’s as if it becomes a separate entity, disconnected from all of the roles you play.

Your Sexuality

Remembering that your sexuality is part of you, part of your identity while you play all of those roles in life, is key to stoking the fire from within.  Paying the bills, shopping for food, or giving your child a bath does not erase your sexuality.  

The problem is that you become disassociated and disconnected.  You disassociate from that part of yourself. You disconnect from the fact that you’re a sexual being.  But, guess what? It’s there. It’s within you.  It hasn’t left.

Relationship Problems

Conflict in your relationship can also cause a disconnect.  Unresolved wounds, disagreements, absences, sexual incompatibilities, and more can make sex awkward, uncomfortable, and unwelcome.  Working through relationship difficulties can lead to a better sex life but even that is not a guarantee.

A Day in My Office

Here are 10 typical scenarios I see in my office that leave couples with a lackluster sex life:

  1. The couple feels stressed out by life
  2. One partner wants more sex than the other
  3. One or both partners have had affairs
  4. The couple struggles with parenting challenges
  5. The couple holds different marital expectations
  6. One partner is depressed or anxious
  7. One partner is a functional alcoholic
  8. One or both partners have body image issues
  9. One partner is struggling with a sexual dysfunction
  10. One partner has a previous sexual trauma

Why is Sex So Complicated?

Well, because it just is.  As you can see from this list, some issues tie directly to sex but not all of them.  Yet, sex is impacted by all of them.

My therapeutic approach allows me to take on a holistic lens and bird’s-eye view when addressing your struggles; so that together, we can create the right solutions for your relationship and sex life.

But, it takes some work.  As we work through the issues, obstacles, or disconnects that you feel, we also cultivate sex-positive energy, vibrancy, and excitement for your future sex life. Because it can be better.  At some point, what feels like work actually starts to feel like fun! 

The Secret Behind Your Sexless Marriage

Are you living in a sexless marriage?  Perhaps you’re one of those couples that from the outside everything looks picture-perfect, but you carry a secret that no one knows about.  You and your partner don’t touch each other, you don’t get intimate with each other, and you don’t have sex together.

Low sexual desire is the number one reason that couples seek out my services.  This is not an uncommon issue for many people in long-term partnerships.  In fact, my work with couples helps them navigate the dynamics in their sexless marriage.  

How to Navigate Your Sexless Marriage

Your sexless marriage is not always just about sexual desire. It can be a combination of things.

  1. First, before you can tackle your sex life, you and your partner have to resolve complications in your relationship. I’ve seen sex fall off the map due to other non-sexual relationship problems. In order for you to create a hot sex life, it helps to resolve the relationship problems first. This can be anything from betrayal, to parenting, money, the in-laws, career, stress or other issues.
  2. Second, resolving your relationship problems doesn’t mean that sex magically starts happening – or that sex will be spontaneous and amazing. You may have to rebuild your sex life.  You still have to work at it and that’s okay. Working directly on your sex life can feel fun, freeing and rewarding once you’ve conquered those non-related issues noted in number one.
  3. Third, after months or years of a sexless marriage, you and/or your partner have probably shut your sexual systems down.  This is where we tap into your sexuality as an individual so you can come together as a couple.  Because sex and sexuality is really about your life force, your life energy, your vitality. That force starts with you.

How to Raise Your Sexual Energy

Let’s get vulnerable for a second.  I want you to think to a time when you’ve had a really charged sexual experience. Can you remember all the sensations associated with this memory? If you hold that memory in your mind, you’ll remember that you radiated energy throughout your entire body.  You were fully embodied in this life force, this vitality, that is almost indescribable.

So, how do you raise your sexual energy once it’s gone low?  You have to tap into your own sexuality before you can tap into your sex life as a couple. It starts with this question:

What makes you (as an individual) feel most alive?

  • Maybe it’s going to the gym to get your body up and moving
  • Maybe it’s eating a luxurious meal that reaches all of your senses
  • Maybe it’s participating in a risky sport or adventure consistently
  • Maybe it’s reading an erotic novel to get sex on the brain
  • Maybe it’s wearing certain fabrics that feel sexy on your body
  • Maybe it’s touching yourself while showering to activate your arousal

Love and Live Sexy

I have worked with many couples who live in a sexless marriage.  You don’t have to keep your sexless marriage a secret anymore. You can do something about it!  Remember that – in addition to all the other roles you play in life – you are also a sexual being.  I encourage you to use the suggestions above or come up with your own and try them.

If you’re looking for other ways to enhance your sex life, here’s where to start!

Fear of Intimacy: Do You Fear Losing Yourself in Your Marriage

Do you have a fear Intimacy?

As a scholar of intimacy, I continuously attempt to refine my own understanding of this abstract concept and how it shows up through the multiple layers of our relationships.

I witness couples avoid it, dance around it, dip their toe into it, beg for it, misunderstand it, desire it, need it, want it, demand for it, fear it and block it, sometimes all within one therapy session.

Some partners seek it out but ensure they never receive it.

They partner with someone who maintains a safe emotional distance. Others desperately crave intimacy and develop enmeshed relationships.

Here, they lose their own identity. They cannot distinguish where they end and their partner begins.


But what is true intimacy anyway?

In a research article assessing marital satisfaction, written in The Family Journal: Counseling and Therapy for Couples and Families by Sobral, Teixeira and Costa, the authors define intimacy as the capacity to exchange thoughts and feelings of personal significance with another individual who is highly valued and to depend on them while also experiencing healthy autonomy.

The words “exchange” and “depend” stand out to me.

According to these authors, these are the action words, the behaviors, required for partners to experience intimacy.

The authors highlight that traditional definitions of intimacy exclude the concept of dependence.

So what might get in the way of achieving intimacy?


These researchers have defined two key areas:

FLS – Fear of losing the self (dependence)

FLO – Fear of losing the other (exchange)

Both of these require a withholding behavior.

It looks like this:

(FLS) If I share all of me, I might lose my autonomy, my independence.

(FLO) If I share all of me, you might disapprove of me and then reject me.

Therefore, I keep parts of myself hidden away from you but as a result, I feel lonely.

I think FLO is easier to identify than FLS because the feelings associated with FLO are more tangible.


These include feelings such as exposure and rejection.

Behaviors like direct eye contact can feel intolerable and create a kneejerk response to hide.

Conflict avoidance is another form of FLO. If I just keep the peace, you won’t leave me. But what does FLS look like?

Thoughts that might accompany FLS include not wanting to justify one’s actions to a partner, “I don’t have to explain myself to you”, “I don’t’ have to tell you where I spend my money” and/or operating from an “I” instead of “we” mentality.

With FLS, dependence not only feels uncomfortable but can also be threatening.

I am currently working with a couple that prides themselves on not “needing” each other, almost as if their autonomy is a badge of honor.

However, their fear of dependency has contributed to a sexless marriage of several years and a recent affair.

Therapists Brian and Marcia Gleason offer one of my favorite descriptions of dependency within a relationship.

In their book Going All The Way, they conceptualize healthy need as one’s ability to recognize one’s own autonomy while simultaneously being aware that with their partner, they are capable of so much more.

In Attachment and Human Development, psychologist Jude Cassidy wrote in her article Truth, Lies and Intimacy: An Attachment Perspective, “Autonomy is important for intimacy because to permit oneself to become truly close to another person, one must have confidence in the autonomy of both the self and the partner so that one is free from fear of engulfment”.

True intimacy requires both the prioritization of connection over distance as well as transparency over suppression.

When you permit yourself to need your partner, to reveal yourself and to fully connect, you live from a courageous heart. You allow love to conquer fear.

As I continue to help couples experience greater levels of intimacy, consider how FLO and FLS might keep you from experiencing a fuller, richer, more satisfying relationship with the one you love.

10 Day Intimacy Challenge



This easy relationship builder will give you 10 days & 10 ways to show your love, be more affectionate and build a deeper connection with each other.

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