11 Questions to Help You Create an Intentional New Year

Image of happy couple - create an intentional new year
Sometimes, I love the fresh start of the New Year. I’ve even noticed that on certain years, I’ve felt eager to see the previous year go. Have you been there too?

This fall, I’ve been more thoughtful about preparing for next year than ever before. It’s felt good to reflect on my life, my career, my family, my marriage.

I’ve used my reflections to help me focus on what feels most important to me, what I’ve missed and what I want more of. I’ve enjoyed my personal process so much that I thought I’d bring it to you as a way to help you and/or your partner create a meaningful, intentional, purposeful, inspiring 2018!

Before we ring in the new year, share these questions with your honey and answer them together. I’m planning on doing the same. If you are not partnered, simply tweak the questions to focus exclusively on you and all that you want to manifest for yourself (you can even do this with a bestie!)

11 Questions To Help You Create An Intentional New Year

  1. What’s the one activity (big or small) that we did together that I would want to brag about to all of my friends?
  2. Looking back on this year, what one word describes our relationship? Our year?
  3. If someone wrote a book about our life in 2017, what kind of book would it be? (Drama, comedy, mystery, etc)
  4. What was our funniest moment of the year? (Funny as in laugh out loud funny)
  5. What new relationship habits did we cultivate over the past 12 months??
  6. I witnessed you personally grow when ___________________ happened.
  7. What was the best news we received this past year?
  8. What is the greatest challenge we faced together as a couple?
  9. What’s one goal we said we wanted to accomplish and followed through with?
  10. What do I feel most grateful for about you/us this past year?
  11. What’s one word to describe what we want for ourselves in 2018? Individually/as a couple

Why Reflect?

As far as we know, we only get one life to live. Just one. Each day that passes, well, we don’t get it back. The time to go from good to awesome is NOW! Knowing where you’ve been helps you chart where you want to go.

So, here’s to you, to your awesomeness and to all that 2018 has in store for you!

I can’t wait to hear all about it:)

Happy New Year

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