Power Struggles in Your Relationship?

Do You Have Power Struggles in Your Relationship?

Couples are often told to learn the art of compromise. Find the middle ground. Make your decision a win-win for everyone involved. Satisfy both needs.

Those are wise words and yes, you have to find ways to factor in what you and your partner want when making decisions. In many situations, that advice works. 

But, what if you can’t do that?

What if your situation is a bit more black and white? What if, whatever decision is made, somebody loses out?

There are some conflicts with no easy compromise.

Examples Include:

  • You want another child and your partner doesn’t
  • You’ve dreamed of moving to another state but your partner doesn’t want to leave family
  • Your partner wants to adopt a pet and you don’t want to
  • You both want your child to have a stay-at-home parent – each wants the other to put their career on hold
  • You want an open marriage and your partner wants monogamy

You can see that, in the situations above, neither partner is “right” or “wrong” for wanting their desired outcome. There’s no malice here. Just two good people with two very different desires.

For many of these examples, it’s not easy to find middle ground. Most couples go around in circles, debating their points, trying to sway their partner in their direction, ending nowhere but frustrated and back at square one.

Or someone feels repeatedly, “unheard”.


Here’s how it plays out once a decision is made:

  • One partner gets what they want, the other partner feels angry, bitter, powerless, shocked and dismissed
  • Their relationship divide grows
  • No one acknowledges an important word in the experience: GRIEF

It would be nice if each partner could always get what they want, equally. But some decisions can’t be divided up that way.

It’s not even the final outcome that tears couples apart. Instead, what trips most couples up is the process of how they got there.

In marriage therapy or couples counseling, couples usually call me after one partner went ahead with a decision; either out of assuming their partner was on board, confusion and misunderstanding or lack of clarity around their partner’s wishes. 

When you find yourselves in that situation, know that the person who didn’t get their way gave something up (even if they weren’t involved in the decision). 

So, even if you weren’t trying to “win”, your partner will inevitably feel like they lost. 

Maybe they’ve given up their dream to have a second child, or build their dream home, or make partner at the firm. 

Maybe they’ve lost their freedom and independence and now have to take care of another life (child, in-law, furbaby).

It’s not your job to try to convince your partner that the outcome is “for the best”, or that they somehow “gained too” from the experience. 

It’s not your job to help them see “the bright side” of things or in any way convince them to feel anything other than their grief.

In fact, when you acknowledge their pain and loss around these black and white decisions, you see and hear them. You validate their experience. This helps them feel like they matter, even when things don’t go their way. 

Knowing what to say and how to say it is key to repairing this type of relationship rupture. Below, I offer you language to help you hold healing conversations together.

In the examples below, we’re assuming that one partner went ahead with a decision that the other partner did not fully agree to. 


Here’s how to speak to your partner when they didn’t get their way on an issue:

  • I know I didn’t go about this quite the right way. My decision has clearly caused you pain. I’m sorry that I didn’t factor in what you wanted. 
  • I know there were no easy answers here. I can see that you feel like you lost out on this. I’m sorry for that. 
  • I know you weren’t really on board with my decision. And now that this is done, I can see how hurt you feel. What can I do to help you manage your grief around this? 
  • I understand how this outcome bothers/hurts you. What can I do to make it right?
  • I know that you didn’t get what you wanted out of this. I want to talk about what this loss means for you and for us. 

While it’s nice to idealize power as a shared experience in relationships, there will be times when one partner exercises more power than the other; when one partner feels more powerless than the other. These moments are inevitable.

In relationship counseling, I help couples work through those power struggles, whether it’s around intimacy, parenting, domestic life, finances, sex, career; and even in all of the small decisions partners make throughout the day that influence power in the relationship.


What You Want to Strive For

In healthy relationships, you want to strive for as much balance as possible when it comes to shared decision making. Maximize that to its fullest.

But also know that, at times, shared or not, it may not always feel equal. 

If one partner doesn’t get their ideal outcome, make sure that you acknowledge and validate the grief that accompanies the loss. Hold space for them and find ways to move forward together.













Get Your Sex Life Back on Track


Get Your Sex Live Back on Track

Your sex life doesn’t sit in a vacuum.  In a long-term relationship, good sex is dependent on many things.  If there is any part of you that thinks sex should “just happen” – organically, naturally, fluidly, spontaneously, at will – well, you will be sadly disappointed.

I wish it was that simple.  Can sex happen that way? Absolutely… sometimes.  Which means that at other times, it takes conscious work.  My question for you is – Are you willing to do the work?

Life Obstacles

When you create a life together, you grow beyond the role of lovers.  You become life partners. You might be business partners. You may even opt to become parents.  And, you wear many hats in between. But somewhere in your journey, you begin to separate your sexuality.  It’s as if it becomes a separate entity, disconnected from all of the roles you play.

Your Sexuality

Remembering that your sexuality is part of you, part of your identity while you play all of those roles in life, is key to stoking the fire from within.  Paying the bills, shopping for food, or giving your child a bath does not erase your sexuality.  

The problem is that you become disassociated and disconnected.  You disassociate from that part of yourself. You disconnect from the fact that you’re a sexual being.  But, guess what? It’s there. It’s within you.  It hasn’t left.

Relationship Problems

Conflict in your relationship can also cause a disconnect.  Unresolved wounds, disagreements, absences, sexual incompatibilities, and more can make sex awkward, uncomfortable, and unwelcome.  Working through relationship difficulties can lead to a better sex life but even that is not a guarantee.

A Day in My Office

Here are 10 typical scenarios I see in my office that leave couples with a lackluster sex life:

  1. The couple feels stressed out by life
  2. One partner wants more sex than the other
  3. One or both partners have had affairs
  4. The couple struggles with parenting challenges
  5. The couple holds different marital expectations
  6. One partner is depressed or anxious
  7. One partner is a functional alcoholic
  8. One or both partners have body image issues
  9. One partner is struggling with a sexual dysfunction
  10. One partner has a previous sexual trauma

Why is Sex So Complicated?

Well, because it just is.  As you can see from this list, some issues tie directly to sex but not all of them.  Yet, sex is impacted by all of them.

My therapeutic approach allows me to take on a holistic lens and bird’s-eye view when addressing your struggles; so that together, we can create the right solutions for your relationship and sex life.

But, it takes some work.  As we work through the issues, obstacles, or disconnects that you feel, we also cultivate sex-positive energy, vibrancy, and excitement for your future sex life. Because it can be better.  At some point, what feels like work actually starts to feel like fun! 

The Secret Behind Your Sexless Marriage

Are you living in a sexless marriage?  Perhaps you’re one of those couples that from the outside everything looks picture-perfect, but you carry a secret that no one knows about.  You and your partner don’t touch each other, you don’t get intimate with each other, and you don’t have sex together.

Low sexual desire is the number one reason that couples seek out my services.  This is not an uncommon issue for many people in long-term partnerships.  In fact, my work with couples helps them navigate the dynamics in their sexless marriage.  

How to Navigate Your Sexless Marriage

Your sexless marriage is not always just about sexual desire. It can be a combination of things.

  1. First, before you can tackle your sex life, you and your partner have to resolve complications in your relationship. I’ve seen sex fall off the map due to other non-sexual relationship problems. In order for you to create a hot sex life, it helps to resolve the relationship problems first. This can be anything from betrayal, to parenting, money, the in-laws, career, stress or other issues.
  2. Second, resolving your relationship problems doesn’t mean that sex magically starts happening – or that sex will be spontaneous and amazing. You may have to rebuild your sex life.  You still have to work at it and that’s okay. Working directly on your sex life can feel fun, freeing and rewarding once you’ve conquered those non-related issues noted in number one.
  3. Third, after months or years of a sexless marriage, you and/or your partner have probably shut your sexual systems down.  This is where we tap into your sexuality as an individual so you can come together as a couple.  Because sex and sexuality is really about your life force, your life energy, your vitality. That force starts with you.

How to Raise Your Sexual Energy

Let’s get vulnerable for a second.  I want you to think to a time when you’ve had a really charged sexual experience. Can you remember all the sensations associated with this memory? If you hold that memory in your mind, you’ll remember that you radiated energy throughout your entire body.  You were fully embodied in this life force, this vitality, that is almost indescribable.

So, how do you raise your sexual energy once it’s gone low?  You have to tap into your own sexuality before you can tap into your sex life as a couple. It starts with this question:

What makes you (as an individual) feel most alive?

  • Maybe it’s going to the gym to get your body up and moving
  • Maybe it’s eating a luxurious meal that reaches all of your senses
  • Maybe it’s participating in a risky sport or adventure consistently
  • Maybe it’s reading an erotic novel to get sex on the brain
  • Maybe it’s wearing certain fabrics that feel sexy on your body
  • Maybe it’s touching yourself while showering to activate your arousal

Love and Live Sexy

I have worked with many couples who live in a sexless marriage.  You don’t have to keep your sexless marriage a secret anymore. You can do something about it!  Remember that – in addition to all the other roles you play in life – you are also a sexual being.  I encourage you to use the suggestions above or come up with your own and try them.

If you’re looking for other ways to enhance your sex life, here’s where to start!

How Systemic Racism Impacts Interracial Couples

History continues to repeat itself in our nation where black, brown, and people of color are continuously oppressed, silenced, abused and murdered. How racism impacts interracial couples can affect intimacy, communication and more.

As a therapist, I commit to the hard and often uncomfortable work required, to help shift the paradigm of racism in our country.

I invite you to do the same.

If you follow my work, you know that I focus on helping couples create exceptional relationships. 

What you may not know is that healthy relationships – of all forms – start with self-examination, an accountability process if you will. 

So, whether you want to resolve something more personal, like a lack of intimacy or something larger like racism, the process starts with individual self-examination. 

I’m not going to sugar coat this. 

It’s not easy work.

The work of examining white privilege, implicit bias, micro-aggressions, systemic racism and systemic white supremacy is nothing anyone wants to own.

Sadly, many folks don’t even realize that through their denial and silence, they become complicit.

In the world of relationship counseling, this work is especially important for interracial couples where one partner identifies as white and the other as a person of color (POC). 

As an interracial couple, you might find that you rarely talk about race. It’s as if there’s an implied belief that somehow, by choosing each other, you’ve overcome your own internalized racism.

Unfortunately, because racism exists, your interracial relationship sets you up to manage a lifelong conflict you didn’t ask for. 


What’s The Core Conflict for Interracial Couples?

Interracial couples can never fully know each other’s worlds. Ever. 

Let me give you one example:

If you identify as white, no matter how much you might experience prejudice for having a POC as your partner, or bear witness to the experiences of your partner, or perhaps your children, you will never truly know how it feels to live in the world as a POC.  Our current racial system does not have a level playing field. So by default, as a white person, you simply cannot truly know in a felt way, what they experience when it comes to race.

If you identify as a POC, because privilege is not something you experience, you will never truly know the experience of your white partner. Even when you build your life together and even if you experience some forms of privilege. Under the current racial system, as a POC, you will never experience privilege to the extent that your partner experiences it, which can feel painful and damaging.

These facts are unchangeable.

As long as systemic racism exists, this conflict remains active and alive.

An easier way to think about this conflict is this: inclusion vs. exclusion. 

Yes, even in your intimate partnership.

No matter how hard you might try to be inclusive, this can never be fully realized.

If not acknowledged and processed on a consistent basis, this difference can sabotage your best relationship efforts. 

This unspoken conflict can make you feel like you are pitted against each other instead of being on the same team. 

It won’t always show up in big or obvious ways. Instead, it will create small, consistent arguments that result in “he said, she said” or “she said she said” conversations – that go nowhere.

Not that different from the larger social narrative of “us” versus “them”.

It leaves you feeling unseen and unheard, which for the POC, is all too familiar. 

How Interracial Couples Can Resolve Conflict

How does an interracial couple work through the conflict of inclusion-exclusion? How do they manage this difference?

If you’re reading about this conflict for the first time, you might feel like it’s a kick in your gut. Hopeless. 

Let me reassure you. There is hope. 

Hope comes when you allow love to lead you through the necessary relationship work. 

It starts with self-examination and having courageous conversations. 

Here’s a 3 step outline to help you get started:

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Step #1: Acknowledge this core conflict.

Upon reading about inclusion and exclusion as a core relationship conflict,  you might immediately dismiss it. I invite you to sit with this idea for a bit.

Consider how this might fit your experiences as an interracial couple or how it might fuel conflicts or distance between you. 

Make room in your mind and in your heart for the possibility that you consciously and unconsciously include and exclude each other, and, that you live in a larger system that fosters exclusive experiences. 

Step #2: Recognize how you enact the conflict

Consider all the ways that you may create or feel inclusion or exclusion with your partner. Examine all of the relationship buckets. Everything from work to parenting, financial management, domestic labor, in-laws, extended family, sex, and more.

This requires you to really self-examine. Pay attention to how you may dismiss your partner’s perspectives when it comes to a particular subject area.

Pay extra attention to the areas where you know you might dig your heels in and fight to be right.

Consider how your offensive or defensive postures might totally exclude your partner’s views. 

Step #3: Validate your partner’s experience with empathy and compassion

Once you can name the ways in which you may enact this conflict of inclusion and exclusion, say it out loud. Let your partner know that you are now aware of how you exclude their ideas, wishes, presence, perspectives, and more. Do so with compassion.

Name ways you will work to be more inclusive. Talk about the pains associated with never being able to fully know each other’s experience, the way other couples who share the same race may be able to do. Acknowledge the strengths that you do possess as a result of being an interracial couple. Celebrate them.

Once you are able to take these 3 critical steps, work on forgiving yourself for any pains you may have caused each other.

In my experience with counseling interracial couples, white partners struggle to be named as white because race is not a part of how they are usually defined, which is a contrast to a person of color. 

If you are white, acknowledging white privilege, implicit bias, and microaggressions –  and how it influences your relationship can feel unjust and angering at times. You may respond defensively to these ideas. You are not alone in your feelings.

Conversations about race can feel upending and confusing. But it’s important that you turn to resources that help you process what you feel.

I highly recommend this book: White Fragility, Why It’s So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism to help you make sense of your thoughts, feelings and experience.

I also highly recommend that you and your partner watch the Netflix Documentary 13th.

No one asked to be born into a racist society. But here we are. It’s up to all of us to do the hard but necessary work of dismantling racism.

Remember, love is a powerful force for good. As you navigate the complexities of your relationship, and as you support each other through the continued racial tragedies of our current events, let your love lead your way. 

Let love lead your way. 














4 Steps to Help You Jumpstart a Sexless Marriage

How a Sexless Marriage Makes You Feel

For anyone in a long term relationship, we all know that sex ebbs and flows. We have periods where it amps up. Other times, it’s like we’re in a sexual drought.

As in, not a single, solitary, sexy thought enters your head or the head of your partner.

The ebb and flow are normal.

But when a lack of sex becomes chronic, meaning, having sex less than 12 times per year (yes, that’s considered a sexless marriage), a whole host of feelings begins to set in.

Think about it. When sex is abundant, fun, and satisfying, you feel like you’re on top of the world, right?

You can conquer anything! You have a skip in your step!

Why? When you enjoy sex with your partner, you activate all the right “feel good” chemicals in your brain. Everything from oxytocin to dopamine to endorphins, that send your body singing.

So naturally, the feelings associated with this include things like:

  • Bonded, committed, attractive.
  • Playful, energized, happy.
  • Hopeful. Loyal. Invincible.
  • Desired. Close. Awesome.

This is probably similar to how you felt in the early phase of your relationship, when sex is typically more abundant.

It’s no wonder you had no problem reprioritizing “all the things” in life to spend time together, to have sex spontaneously and often.

Who doesn’t want to feel all of those good feelings?

But when sex slows down and you live in a sexless marriage, it can send your feelings in an entirely different direction.

They may include things like:

  • Depressed, frustrated and hopeless.
  • Dissatisfied, unattractive, neglected.
  • Resentful, disconnected, sad.
  • Rejected, unimportant, empty.

The contrast between how you can feel when you’re having sex with your partner versus how you can feel when sex stops happening is quite startling.

The thing is, in committed relationships or in marriage, it’s not about having tons of sex.

It IS about having sex.

And even more importantly, it’s about having good sex.

Sex that feels satisfying, inviting, erotic and connecting.

It’s about creating a sex life that’s worth wanting more of.

Research tells us that when sex winds down, it has less to do with “busyness”(althought that can be an influence too) and more to do with sexual dissatisfaction.

Not that the sex is bad. But after awhile, it becomes “just ok”.

Don’t panic! Lack of satisfaction doesn’t necessarily mean that you or your partner is a bad lover. Sure, maybe ya’ll can use a “skills” tune up. Everyone can from time to time.

Many factors contribute to sexual satisfaction.

While this list is not exhaustive, some of the reasons can include:

  • Relationship dissatisfaction
  • Body changes
  • Inability to relax (a big one)
  • Miscommunication
  • Lack of presence and attunement
  • Sheer exhaustion
  • Distraction
  • Not asking for what you want

And when sex becomes less frequent, those uncomfortable, unwelcome feelings start to set in. So, how do you fix your sexless marriage?

Here are 4 steps to help you jumpstart satisfying sex again.

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1.  Recall a Positive Sexual Experience With Your Partner

Think back to a specific time where you and your partner had fantastic sex. Try to recall all of the details of that time. Think about the scene, your mood, the energy of that day, how you felt in your body, the initiation of sex, the kiss, the smells, the tastes, the touch exchanged. Savor all of the details from this experience, thinking of as many details as possible. Notice how your body feels as you recall those details.

2.  Share the Memory With Your Partner

Pick a time to share the memory with your partner.

Set aside all electronic devices and share all of the details that you remember.

Make sure to include what you remember specifically about yourself, how you participated in that experience, as well as what you remember about them.

Say all of the words out loud.

3.  Talk About What Feels Different Now

Explore together how and why sex might feel less satisfying than before.

  • What feels different?
  • What’s different about you?
  • What’s different about your partner?
  • What’s different about your bodies?
  • What’s different about the life you share together?

Be sure to include both what feels positive now as well as what might feel more challenging when it comes to sex.

4. Commit to One Small Step

Rather than try to set a goal of immediate earth shattering sex, ask yourself, ‘What one small thing can we do to start moving back towards each other again?”.

Remember, you don’t have to move in leaps. You can start by making one small change to shift the sexual energy in your relationship.

It can include things like:

  • Make the time to talk about our sex life once per week
  • Go to bed earlier so that we have time for touch
  • Take advantage of sexy time when the kids aren’t home (bye bye chore list)
  • Unplug entirely one evening per week so that we can focus on each other
  • Buy a sexy book and read it together

Sometimes, the idea of “working on our sex life” can feel overwhelming. But when you only have to focus on one small step, it’s much more doable.

Set reasonable expectations, take things slowly and see if you can get excited about the prospect of having more consistent, frequent, satisfying sexy time together.

Remember, it’s not about having tons of sex 24/7. It’s about creating sex worth wanting, again and again.



Overcome Boredom in Your Relationship

Are you bored in your relationship?

Does your relationship make you want to yawn?  Does it feel like Relationship Groundhog Day?  Same routine, same activities, same restaurants, etc. It’s what happens to most couples when their days become Life Management 101.  All about routines, schedules, structures. 

Don’t get me wrong. There’s a sense of stability in it, right? At least, you know what to expect.  

Like most long term couples, you settle in for the long haul.  Your routine becomes second nature, providing reliability and comfort in its repetition. Where spontaneity might bring uncertainty, reliability brings a sense of safety.  Unfortunately, it can also bring boredom and complacency.

It can even lower the bar for what’s possible in your love and in your life. 

Over time, it can be hard to understand how you got to where you are or where your spark went.  You may even start to think– What the hell happened to us? We used to be so fun together.

Anyone who has been in a long term relationship has felt “the slump”.  I’m not saying routines are bad.  (We all need a certain level of dependability in a partnership.)  But I am challenging your mindset and the status quo for your relationship.  Chances are that if your relationship feels stale, you and your partner have grown complacent. 

Consider this Question:

How does your predictability impact intimacy?

We’ve established that traits like stability and reliability create safety, right?

But these traits are also opposite to spontaneity, excitement, curiosity, adventure and risk. 

And at it’s core, healthy intimacy involves risk-taking.

So, while stability and reliability are great for safety, and are certainly important for intimacy, they can also sabotage intimacy when they become the sole focus of your love. 

When intimacy dies, the relationship fizzles out. No spark. 

I’m sure you can feel the difference between when you’re in your love groove and when you feel stuck in a relationship rut. 

If you want to feel intimate, connected and fun with each other again, you must step outside of your relationship box.

You have to proactively, intentionally and purposely bring excitement back into your relationship so that you can feel fun again.  

And when you introduce healthy risks, you not only increase your intimacy potential but you also bring new energy to your love.


It Starts with You

Let me ask you this — Are you afraid of risks?  

Do you fear being vulnerable?

Does intimacy challenge you?  

To overcome boredom in your relationship, you have to challenge yourself to do “different”.

Sometimes, fear of change can lead to complacency.

So can laziness, passivity, depression, relationship conflict, perfectionism, taking your relationship for granted. 

So rather than confront those things (which requires courage), we go on cruise control. (Yawn)

We don’t step outside the box or get outside of our comfort zone.

We don’t find our edges or take risks on our own – let alone as a couple.  

As a result, we miss out on opportunities to tap into something deeper, greater, more challenging.

Boring Relationship, Lost Spark, No Intimacy

So what does “it starts with you” actually mean?

Well, having an exciting relationship starts with you being an exciting partner.

YOU are the start to getting back on course, away from boredom and complacency toward growth, spark and connection. 

Be Willing to Take Risks

How do I know any of this?  Well, in addition to being a sex therapist and couples counselor, I know from personal experience.

My spouse and I have been married for over 20 years. We consider our marriage to be a great one.  

After all this time, we still feel intimately connected. But that intimacy is earned.

We take healthy risks – emotionally, physically, sexually and spiritually.

Whether that means having tough conversations with each other, an adventure we’ve never had before, a new sexual experience, sharing a spiritual awakening or something else.

I encourage you to take risks too. 

And not just relationship risks but personal risks. 

Do something that is as far from boring as possible.

Whether it’s confronting a work situation that you’ve avoided, taking that class you’ve had your eye on, booking a solo trip over a long-weekend, anything that gives you a new experience. Anything that offers you a new story to share. Anything that deepens the dimensions of who you are.

When I do this, or my partner does this, it gives us the opportunity to share something new at the end of the day.  We can talk about our edges. We inject new material into the fabric of our lives.

At the end of the day, we can share something different about ourselves.  We get to talk about how we stepped through a challenge.

As a result, we become more interesting to each other. The experiences we have on our own, apart from each other, enhance our overall relationship.

Overcoming boredom in your relationship starts with you and can have a beautiful ripple effect into your love.


Change your Mindset

If you want to overcome boredom in your relationship, you have to take a step back and look at your approach.  

Remember this: how you do anything is how you do everything.

It’s time to self-examine.

Ever hear of the “fixed mindset” versus the “growth mindset”?

In a fixed mindset, you see yourself as having fixed traits or static qualities.  

In a growth mindset, you believe that your traits or qualities can be developed through dedicated attention and hard work.

You want to adapt a growth mindset.

That means that you believe that you have the potential to evolve, to deepen your connection to each other, to bring life back into your love, to grow individually and as a couple.

But, it starts with you.

You have to be willing to take risks, get vulnerable, and be intimate with yourself in order to be more connected to your partner.


Overcome Boredom in your Relationship

If you’re feeling complacent, stuck, disconnected, boring, loveless, which is the story for so many couples, then take a step back.  Focus on how you are as a partner and what you bring to the relationship.

Here are some questions to ask yourself:  

  1. Where is my edge?
  2. Where am I challenging myself?
  3. How am I going to step into who I want to be?
  4. How can I be the kind of partner that I want to have?

Answer these questions separately, then come together to discuss. The answers will guide you to co-create a life and love that feels invigorating, inspiring and one that you look forward to engaging with. All of that is a far cry from a boring relationship or life.  

Remember, passion rises where risk, vulnerability, and intimacy come together.

Become passionate about your life and your love — That’s a good place to start. ♥️



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